Monday, January 2, 2012

A Couple Holiday Videos

I know I may be a little late on these, but here are a couple videos from Thanksgiving and Christmas 2011.

Thanksgiving Football Game

The Boys Christmas

Party in the USA - NYE 2011 The Oscars
Click here to view a video from NYE 2011. Lol. Party in the USA!

Happy New Year!

With the new year now here, many of us like to take the time to reflect on what the past year has offered to us. We update our Facebook, Twitter, & Blogs with pictures and memories of good times and maybe even some of the more trying/challenging times that we have either overcome or are still continuing to work through. And well, I guess this blog post isn't any different than just that, however this is my story of 2011...

The year started out like any other. We were in Evansville, IN celebrating with a few of our friends.

Not long after, we made the long trip back to Kansas to start our new year. Thinking 2011 would be normal just like any other, we had NO IDEA what was actually in store for us. During the end of Feb/beginning of March I started not feeling right. I didn't really think anything of it, just thought perhaps I needed to eat more healthy foods or something along those lines. So I went on with life as normal. We celebrated our 1 year anniversary on March 27...

If you have read my blogs before, you know that this was right around the time when I started experiencing jaundice and had to go to the emergency room. From there I had many different doctors appointments, blood draws, radiology tests, and finally a liver biopsy to determine what was actually going on with my body. In May 2011 I was diagnosed with Autoimmune Hepatitis. And just in case you haven't read one of my blogs before, AIH is not contagious, it's not due to something I 'contracted' in any unsanitary way, it's just something that unfortunately happens for unknown reasons. My immune system basically thinks my liver is something threatening to my body and tries to attack it. The POSITIVE part of this is that everything was caught early, of which I am very thankful. Even though this may have been what I would like to consider a challenging part of the year, there were definitely may more highs than lows. Here are a few pictures just to show a few of them:

We saw Kenny Chesney in concert!

Visited the Mule Deer Museum in Kansas City.

Saw a VICTORY at the Royals game!

Our friends came to visit us out in Wichita!

Visited the largest Bass Pro Shop located in Springfield, MO!

Surprised my Dad for his birthday and we to our first COLTS game!

 I was MOH in my best friend's wedding - Oct 15, 2011!

Last but not least, JEREMY SHOT HIS FIRST DEER!

As you can see with just these few pictures, our year was pretty amazing. I'm very much looking forward to what 2012 will bring. As of right now, my AIH is in control. My last blood work in December showed that all of my levels are great. I just have to go back every three months to make sure they continue that way. Hoping to be off of medicines soon. Also, towards the end of 2011 I've started doing a little more photography. It is definitely on of my passions. Although nothing is official yet, I would like to start a local business sometime in the near future... just something I can do in the evenings/weekends to help others capture their memories also! More to come on this sometime soon! Until then I hope that everyone has an awesome 2012!