Tuesday, August 7, 2012

We're Expanding By Two Feet!

It's been a LONG while since I have written anything on this blog and for good reason. We have had a LOT going on! We just recently announced on Facebook our BIG news!

Right now I am 18 weeks along and so far everything has been going amazing! I have not had any morning sickness or very many food aversions, both of which I am very thankful! Every now and then I get cravings for certain food but it varies each day. I want to use this blog to update on the progress of our baby boy and also mine as well. But first, here is one of our baby's first pictures (he already doesn't want to listen to us!):


Baby is doing very well! He is measuring normal each time we have a doctor's visit. From the other pictures we have seen he seems to have very large feet! Which I suppose runs in the family! His heart rate on 8/6/2012 was 153bpm. 


I am doing well also! I have started having some back pain but that is expected. What I'm mostly using this section for is updates on my AIH. A lot of times it has been thought that people with certain autoimmune issues can go into remission during pregnancy because pregnancy naturally suppresses your immune system. At first my liver enzyme levels were fairly high - 10x the normal level. My liver doctor currently has me on 20mg of prednisone. For a couple weeks in there I was on 30mg in order to help reduce the liver enzyme count. I was going back for blood draws every 2-3 weeks, but thankfully the last time I went in my liver enzymes were almost back down to NORMAL! Now I don't have to go back for a whole month! Very exciting news for me. Now I'm just praying that the next time I go in the liver enzymes will be exactly where they need to be so please keep me in your thoughts and prayers!

For now I am going to watch the Olympics. GO TEAM USA! & have a great night!