Friday, December 21, 2018

Gingerbread House Fun!

Thanks to our Uncle Jared for getting us these gingerbread houses for a Christmas gift! 
We had a lot of fun making them! I think we'll need to do it again next year! 

Thursday, December 13, 2018

Tuesday, December 4, 2018

Sadie is THREE!

Sadie turned THREE on December 1, 2018! {Yes, I am a little behind... three kids and being sick will do that to you!} And because birthdays remind you of when you were born... here's one of my favorites of Emmett and Sadie after bringing Sadie home from the hospital:

Lilee is 9 MONTHS!

Lilee Kirsten.
9 months young.
Happiest baby ever.
Crawling... everywhere.
No teeth yet. 
Starting to realize real food is better than baby food.
19 pounds, 13 oz. 
28 inches long. 

No Lightbulb is Safe

Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Sadie Baby

Just about the only time I can get a good photo of her is when she is playing around. Lol. Otherwise she runs away or frowns. 

Wednesday, November 7, 2018

It’s Beginning to Look a Lot Like... Thanksgiving!

We made a fun ‘Give Thanks’ door hanging at our Girlfriend’s in God Group at church and Emmett also brought home a fun family turkey decorating project for school! Can’t believe Thanksgiving is almost here! 🦃 

Puzzle Pieces Everywhere

When you don't want your sister to get any of the puzzle pieces... 
#justthrowthem #shegotsomeanyway

Saturday, October 27, 2018

We Love Soccer!

Fun times at the soccer field this morning! Emmett even scored some goals! Sadie loves to kick her ball around and be just like her big brother. :)

 Excited after scoring a goal! 

 One of the goals he scored!

Friday, October 26, 2018

If You're Happy & You Know It, Clap Your Hands! :)

Check out my new trick!

Fall Parties, Leaf Piles and Jumping Oh My!

Today was Emmett’s kindergarten fall party. We had a lot of fun watching him play a game with candy corn and eat with his friends. Sadie even got to join in too!

After school we even got to jump in the leaves and at the end we had a leaf fight. I think Sadie just thought everything was super funny.