Friday, December 21, 2018

Gingerbread House Fun!

Thanks to our Uncle Jared for getting us these gingerbread houses for a Christmas gift! 
We had a lot of fun making them! I think we'll need to do it again next year! 

Thursday, December 13, 2018

Tuesday, December 4, 2018

Sadie is THREE!

Sadie turned THREE on December 1, 2018! {Yes, I am a little behind... three kids and being sick will do that to you!} And because birthdays remind you of when you were born... here's one of my favorites of Emmett and Sadie after bringing Sadie home from the hospital:

Lilee is 9 MONTHS!

Lilee Kirsten.
9 months young.
Happiest baby ever.
Crawling... everywhere.
No teeth yet. 
Starting to realize real food is better than baby food.
19 pounds, 13 oz. 
28 inches long. 

No Lightbulb is Safe