Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Keep On The Sunny Side

I've thought of starting a blog before but never really got anywhere with it. Now I think it might be a good idea so that everyone can keep updated on everything that has been going on lately.

A little over a month ago I went to the Wichita Clinic for jaundice. From here I learned that if this is found in adults it usually means that there is something going on with the liver. Jeremy and I hadn't established a doctor here in Wichita since moving, so this of course prompted us to find a family doctor. I was also recommended to a specialist as well. Since the initial visits to the family doctor and the specialist I've had my blood drawn more times than I care to mention. However, I have learned a lot about what a doctor can find out just by testing your blood. In the past I've never really been to the doctor much or been sick for that matter so all of this is very new to me. I've learned a lot about my liver and what certain signs can mean. Each time I have had my blood drawn my counts for bilirubin, liver enzymes, and iron have been high. The doctors believe that it could either be autoimmune hepatitis or hemochromatosis, which is an overabundance of iron in the blood. The only problem with that is when I had my blood work done it gave no signs of my liver being inflamed (which is what hepatitis really means) and my symptoms haven't really been related to hemochromatosis other than having high iron in my blood. I also had an ultrasound of my liver, pancreas, and gallbladder... all of which came out normal. 

Where I am now... I have to get my blood drawn again tomorrow to test for anti smooth muscle antibodies to see if I do in fact have autoimmune hepatitis. Normally these would only be present in that situation. The doctor will also test to see how my blood clots because there is a strong possibility that I will have to have a liver biopsy next week. When I first found out that this was a possibility I wasn't very happy to say the least. Now I know that this is just a way to determine what is going on with my liver in order to confirm a diagnosis, which is ultimately what I want. The only downside right now is the waiting game. It's already been a little over a month and a half since all of this started. For now I'm just trying to stay positive and keep on the sunny side.

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