Saturday, February 25, 2012

Workout Plan

Ah! It seems like it has been forever since I have written a blog! Let's just say that no news is GOOD news! I've been feeling great! =D Here's a little of what's been going on:

Somehow I've found some new motivation to get in shape. Tired of walking up 4 flights of stairs to go to work everyday and being out of breath. Let's get moving! Not sure if you have heard of Pinterest or not, but it has a lot of awesome workout plans for both beginners and the advanced. (Along with a lot of other amazing things... you should check it out and follow me! - Pinterest ). Here's something I've just started doing...

May not seem like a lot, but if you do it enough times you can definitely start feeling it! Easy, at-home workout for anyone that wants to start getting into more shape. Good thing about it - as you go along you can add more reps and burn more calories! =D

Another fun thing that I've discovered in the past few months - Paint the Towne! You should also check out their website - Paint the Towne. There are so many awesome paintings to paint! She takes private parties as well as long as you have 5+ people. & no worries, you don't have to be Picasso to paint here! NO EXPERIENCE NEEDED! Here's a picture of our last painting - Moon Birds:

 It's fun and relaxing, plus you have YOUR OWN outstanding artwork to put on your wall at home! =D

Hope that everyone is having a great 2012!

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