Saturday, October 27, 2018

We Love Soccer!

Fun times at the soccer field this morning! Emmett even scored some goals! Sadie loves to kick her ball around and be just like her big brother. :)

 Excited after scoring a goal! 

 One of the goals he scored!

Friday, October 26, 2018

If You're Happy & You Know It, Clap Your Hands! :)

Check out my new trick!

Fall Parties, Leaf Piles and Jumping Oh My!

Today was Emmett’s kindergarten fall party. We had a lot of fun watching him play a game with candy corn and eat with his friends. Sadie even got to join in too!

After school we even got to jump in the leaves and at the end we had a leaf fight. I think Sadie just thought everything was super funny.

Just Say 'No' to Social Media

So first off, yes it has been some time since I last posted on here... 2 more kids later and you realize time goes by super quick. I have spent a fair amount of time using social media platforms such as Facebook and Instagram. Let's just say, this year {2018} has been a bit difficult for me anxiety wise and I feel like I need to take a much needed BREAK from these sites. I need to re-route my focus in other words. I know there are family and friends who still like to see photos of the kids, so rather than posting on there I am going to try to get back to posting on here. Everyone is different, however this is what I need to do for my family and myself at this time.

Worry rises from a failure to understand {something} about God.
- John MacArthur from Anxiety-Free Living 2004