Friday, October 26, 2018

Just Say 'No' to Social Media

So first off, yes it has been some time since I last posted on here... 2 more kids later and you realize time goes by super quick. I have spent a fair amount of time using social media platforms such as Facebook and Instagram. Let's just say, this year {2018} has been a bit difficult for me anxiety wise and I feel like I need to take a much needed BREAK from these sites. I need to re-route my focus in other words. I know there are family and friends who still like to see photos of the kids, so rather than posting on there I am going to try to get back to posting on here. Everyone is different, however this is what I need to do for my family and myself at this time.

Worry rises from a failure to understand {something} about God.
- John MacArthur from Anxiety-Free Living 2004

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