Sunday, June 26, 2011

The Knee Bone's Connected To...

Jeremy went to the knee specialist on Friday... He believes that Jeremy has a torn meniscus. And because I'm not 'up-to-date' on what a meniscus is, I thought I'd share this definition:

The meniscus is a rubbery, C-shaped disc that cushions your knee. Each knee has two menisci (plural of meniscus)-one at the outer edge of the knee and one at the inner edge. The menisci keep your knee steady by balancing your weight across the knee. A torn meniscus can prevent your knee from working right.

If this definition just doesn't do it for you, you can check out more at this link:

When in doubt, go to WebMD.

So, what does this mean? Jeremy has an MRI scheduled for next week to determine if a torn meniscus is really what has been causing him so much pain in his knee. He then has a follow up appointment for the results from the MRI and will start physical therapy the following week. No worries Brew Crew, Mean Greene will still be ready to play softball on Tuesday nights. Cue 'Nothing's going to stop us now' music.

As for me... still feeling good and ready to find out some good results in a few weeks!

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