Friday, June 17, 2011


I got the results back today from the blood work that I had done on Wednesday. Originally my liver enzyme levels were at 1500 and now they are down to 300! The doctor says that this is still a fairly high level (they are supposed to be 30-40) but that it's definitely going in the right direction. He wants me to stay on my current dosage of medicine for another month and then have more blood work done to check the levels again. Let's hope they can get under 100 soon!

Update on Jeremy -
He's been having problems with his knee lately... went to the family doc today and he referred him to a specialist. He has an appointment on June 24th so we will see what happens from there.

All of these doctors appointments are making us feel OLD!

To end on a positive note... We are thinking of taking a mini vacation in October. Believe me, we need it! Hope that everyone has a great weekend!

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