Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Blood Work

Well, as you probably know from reading past blogs that I [FINALLY] had my blood work drawn today... just waiting for the phone call from the doctor now to let me know at what level my liver enzymes are at right now. I've been feeling pretty good so I'm hoping that this is a good sign. Really would like my prednisone dosage to be cut in half. That is the goal this time around. Didn't quite reach that goal last time, although I think it may have had something to do with the fact that I was just learning how to swallow a whole pill. Crazy right? The fact is, I never had to learn before. Thankfully that obstacle has been overcome! I know it might seem pretty simple but it really has been a HUGE help. Ha.

I never gave an update on Jeremy's MRI results... he found out he did NOT have a torn meniscus, however there is a hole in the cartilage on his knee and the doctor said there is a significant amount of arthritis under the knee cap. He will be going to physical therapy twice a week for the next few weeks to help build up the muscle around his knee. His second session was yesterday... he said the therapist really worked out his knee. Of course after the session he was told to ice it, however Jeremy informed him that he had a double header in softball that night and probably wouldn't be able to ice it right away. Therapist said, 'Oh, well... I'd definitely ice it afterwards then!' Lol. Not going to slow us down!

I'm hoping to get my results later today or tomorrow. The way it's looking it's probably going to be sometime tomorrow so check back soon to find out what the results are! I will def have a blog about it! Please keep the positive thoughts coming our way!

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