Thursday, July 14, 2011

It's A Great Day To Be ALIVE

I got the results back from my blood test today and...


In case you can't tell, I'm pretty excited about this. Normal levels mean between 20-40! No longer 1,500! Now I know what it feels like to feel good, to have energy, and to be overall HAPPY! =D

The doctor told me today that I will be able to reduce the Prednisone from 20mg daily down to 15mg. I will take 15mg for one month and once that month is over I will start taking 10mg daily. I won't have to have blood work done again for another two months and as long as everything continues to stay normal I will be able to stay on the 10mg of Prednisone until next year when I am evaluated again. This is GREAT news!!

Thank you to everyone who is reading or has been keeping updated on my blog. I greatly appreciate your support and prayers! Hope that everyone has a great weekend!!

Science goes only so far, then comes God. - The Notebook

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